Customer Satisfaction – Outshine your competitors with ePOS features

We’ll explore some unique ePOS features which will set you miles apart from your competition.


If you’re considering an upgrade to a new ePOS system, you’ll no doubt be weighing up the pros and cons, as well as comparing solutions, before making a purchasing decision. While customer satisfaction is clearly a priority in the day-to-day running of any retail business, it’s not always top of the list when it comes to choosing a new ePOS system – but it should be and here’s why…

Nearly 90% of customers admit they have moved their business to a competitor because of poor customer experience

Our recent blog ‘Customer Service – The importance of getting it right’ outlines how excellent customer service can significantly boost your business’ performance. In this blog we take a detailed look at how some of Saledock’s unique ePOS features can further benefit your customers and elevate your service levels above and beyond that offered by your competitors.

Forgotten something?

Put yourself in a customer’s shoes for a moment…You’re at the till, you’re about to pay and then you realise you’ve forgotten something you really need. In the past, you’d probably pay for your purchases and then go back and find that missing item, re-join the queue and then make your second purchase.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there! But what if the retailer had an alternative solution? Imagine they have the capability to save your purchase details so that you can fetch that forgotten item and then allow you continue with our intended purchase when you return to the till. For many, this is customer service on another level!

With Saledock you can save a customer’s order ready to continue when they return to the checkout.

Can I pay in instalments?

Layby is originally an American concept, largely reserved for high ticket items whereby you wish to pay for an item in instalments. It’s a relatively new model in the UK but it’s increasingly popular and not easy to come by in an ePOS solution.

Offering your customers the opportunity to pay for something over time (and we’re not talking Klarna here) not only demonstrates a level of financial consideration towards your customers, but also builds some incredible brand loyalty. During this extended purchasing period you can check their balance, view the payment history and take instalments, helping them to manage their finances while enabling them to purchase what they need.

Saledock’s unique layby feature enables customers to pay for items over a period to meet their financial circumstances.

Can we split the bill?

Splitting the bill is reasonably common in the hospitality industry, for example when a large party of guests wants to share the cost of a meal. However, it’s less common in retail so this is a great way to stand out from the competition. Allowing your customers to pay by whatever means suits them across different payment methods, including accepting payments from multiple parties, is a game changer.

With Saledock you can process split and partial payments and take deposits on Layby orders.

Queues building up?

When you have a really busy day and queues are building up at your tills, mobile ePOS allows you to take the till onto the shop floor. This queue busting feature means you can avoid inconvenient build-ups and all you need is a mobile phone or a tablet to process a purchase and even take payments.

This feature became popular during the pandemic when retailers had to reduce the number of people in-store and ensure social distancing was maintained. However many retailers adopted a quick-fix solution which isn’t suitable for the long term. Now that pandemic restrictions have been lifted, it’s an ideal way to serve customers quickly, increasing your store throughput and therefore your revenue without having to invest in more tills to cover the busy periods.

Saledock’s mobile ePOS feature means you can process a transaction anywhere on your shop floor with a mobile phone or a tablet.

Is this for me?

We all love a freebie or a discount, and it’s even more meaningful when it feels personal. Want to make your customers feel really valued as an individual who really matters to your business? Give your them that extra feel-good factor by customising their receipts with an offer or discount when they shop with you. Customers get that feeling of instant gratification when they receive their receipt and begin planning their next visit before they have even left your store and you get loyalty so it’s win-win!

Want to save paper? No problem! This feature also extends to e-receipts so your environmentally conscious clientele can feel confident that you’re doing your part for the environment.

Customise receipts with Saledock and offer your customers something special every time.

No Wi-Fi? No problem!

There’s nothing worse than when your internet goes down. Your customers can’t make a purchase and you can’t make a sale; it’s incredibly frustrating for both parties. However there is a solution! An ePOS system with offline capability ensures that internet connection troubles don’t result in lost sales and missed opportunities. With Saledock, your system will synchronise automatically as soon as the connection is restored so you and your customers can keep calm and carry on with business as usual.

Saledock can operate during an internet outage, syncing transactions as soon as the system comes back online.


Great customer service doesn’t just come from your people, it also comes from your systems. While many solutions offer a standard range of features, Saledock is different. Our software has been created by retailers, for retailers. As such, our customers benefit from a suite of features and functionality which are unique and have been built with both the customer and the retailer in mind.

So if you’re ready to say good by to your old ePOS system and hello to Saledock, why not try it for free for 14 days. You’ll benefit from unlimited access to all Pro Plan features and you don’t even need a credit card to get started. If you’d prefer to see a demo first, no problem! Simply give us a call on 01904 405 989 and we’ll do the rest!